Top Free Android Apps for Your Tablet and Phone

25/08/2012 22:11

If you have a mobile device that has the Android OS, then you need to make sure that you load it up with the really cool apps that are available for you to download. The Android app store is actually filled with a very wide variety of application that you can choose from. There are some apps for productivity, some are for recreations, and some are really useful tools that could really help you a lot in the technological world that we are living in tight now.

One of the best ways for you to find some of the top free Android apps that you can download to your Android Smartphone or tablet is to read some reviews about them. Review sites about the applications can really provide you with all of the information that you need to know about an app especially its features and performance.

Here are the top Android apps that you could download to your device:

WordPress – this is a mobile-blogging app that is really useful for people who have WordPress blogs. With this app they would be able to easily make blogs posts even using their mobile device.

Seesmic -   this is a social media app that is based on Twitter. Seesmic offer the same offers the same features that Twitter has only with some improvements. The best benefits that you will get from this app are that you will be able to take control of the feeds that you read with a little customization.

Google Maps -this amazing application is really popular in the world right now. The Google Map Android application allows you to receive real-time satellite feed on your mobile device.

Dolphin Browser HD – this app is perfect for those people who are already bored with the boring interfaces of the most popular browser in the internet right now. This app allows you to customize your browser really easily in order to give you a more personal feel.    

Words with Friends - this fun app allows the user to play Scrabble while linking with their friends online.

If you want to get more details about the top applications that you can get for your device, then it would be best for you to start reading some online reviews.